Eggs vs. Dinosaurs

This project is inspired by the movie Jurassic Park. The main goal of this project is to learn how to use forever loop and conditional checking and utilize level variable to level up the game.

1) Create a new project. Delete the existing Cat Sprite and add your sprit and backdrop, adding music at the background and let it play forever. (Hint: You can add scripts to backdrops and apply to the entire project)

2) Make the dinosaur moves towards the left when left arrow key is pressed, make the dinosaur moves towards the right when right arrow key is pressed

3) Makes the egg show at the random place at the top of the screen every time the game restarts.

4) Making the egg falling constantly.

5) If egg touches dinosaur, makes the eggs move back to the top of the screen again

6) Once the egg touches end of the screen, switch the eggs costume to "cracked egg", say "Game Over" and stops the game

7) Keep tracking of how many times egg touches dinosaur, set score to 0 each time the game restarts

8) Bonus Step: Add a variable name called level, once score reaches to 10, jumps one level, set score back to 0, make the egg drops faster, and dinosaur moves faster using varialbe level