Buried Treasure

In this project, we're going to learn how to make clones! And Mine for Gems! Watch out for Snakes!

1) We need a lot of sprites! Pick out some cool ones. We need rocks or dirt, and we need something fun to collect like coins or gems, and we need something scary like a snake or a robot.

2) Choose one of your sprites, and look for a block called "Create Clone" in "Control." Try it out. Hmmm, nothing is happening? Try dragging it around. Huh! There are two now! Now look for a block called "When I start as a clone." Match it with "Go to random position." Now try making clones again. Cool, they all appear in different places! Use blocks from control to make TWO HUNDRED clones of your sprite!

3) Keep going for your other sprites. Try to make a good mix. We want mostly rocks and dirt, with some gems and snakes mixed in.

...what's that? All of your gems are on top?...

Well, that's bad! That won't be any fun to dig up at all. This happens because of "layering." Think of your screen like a house. Each sprite is a floor. So all the rocks are on one floor, and snakes on another. And maybe gems are the top floor. To mix them, look for a block in looks called "Go Front 1 Layers" and adjust to send everything backwards a random number of layers when they start as clones. This will mix up the layers.

4) Give all of your sprites more costumes. When they start as clones, make them choose a random costume. Rotate them around randomly as well.

5) When you click on a rock, play a sound and "Delete the Clone." It's gone now!

6) When you click on a gem, play a sound, get a point, and then delete the clone.

7) When you click on a snake, play a sound, and... STOP THE GAME! Watch out!

8) Add a timer so players feel pressure to go fast. End the game if you run out of time.