Mice Maze Cheese

In this project, we're going to make a maze game, we are going to use moving blocks and conditional checks to determine if mice makes to the end of maze, with combination of message sending and level checking, this game really put a lot together of what we have already learned!

1) Build your own maze (Hint: use the same color for the walls, We have one pre-made maze for you, remix it and have fun!).

2) Choose your sprite, Shrink the sprite to fit your maze and put the sprite at the start of your maze when the green flag is clicked.

3) Make your sprite move when you press the arrow keys.

4) Adjust the direction of your sprite so that it can pass through the tunnels.

5) Make your sprite go back to the start if it hits a wall.

6) Create a variable called level, set level to 1 when game starts.

7) Once your sprite reaches the end of maze, send out message "Pass First Level". Once the stage get the message, change level to 2 and switch backdrop to maze of level 2, once your sprite reaches the end, say "You win" and stop the game.

8) At level 2, add 1 more bug sprites to spice up the game!(Hint: you can add as many bug sprits as you want!), These bug sprites act as guardians to prevent our sprite from reaching the goal.

9) Make the bug guards one entrance in the maze.(Hint: you can add as many bug sprits as you want!), These bug sprites act as guardians to prevent our sprite from reaching the goal.

10) If the sprite accidentally touches the bug, Say "You lost the game" and stop the game.