Simple Calculator

In this project, we're going to build a simple calculator.

1) Setup background and music.

2) Create variables. (Ask students how many variables are needed)

3) Ask the input for the first number.

4) Ask input for the operator. For now the game only accept operator "+, -, *, /"

5) Ask the input for the second number. (Ask students to do it themselves.)

6) Use "if" statement to check if "operator" equals to "+", if "operator" equals "+", set result as first number add second number.

7) Use "if" statement to check if "operator" equals to "-", if "operator" equals "-", set result as first number subtract second number.

8) Use "if" statement to check if "operator" equals to "*", if "operator" equals "*", set result as first number multiply second number.

Use "if" statement to check if "operator" equals to "/", if "operator" equals "/", set result as first number divide second number.

9) Bonus point: what if user puts other operator that this game doesn't accept, show result as "ERROR".